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  • 多线程实现包含多节点的区块链网络
  • 客户端可向区块链网络提交交易
  • 区块链节点含有交易池,打包区块时从交易池中提取交易。
  • 客户端使用ECDSA算法对交易进行签名,并用JSON序列化交易
  • 交易池可维护节点内未加入区块链的交易
  • 使用POW工作量证明生成区块,并在区块链网络中进行共识
  • 使用最长链原则作为区块链分叉的解决方案
  • 存储模块打印落盘日志
  • 执行模块仅模拟执行交易,并不具备实际意义
  • 存储模块仅在内存中进行存储,不涉及磁盘存储
  • 不包含网络通信

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  • 本文主要使用keytool分别为服务端与客户端生成公私钥对,并利用java.security包下的工具读取Keystore中的Key,用于创建基于SSL/TLS双向认证的Socket连接,并Java.net包下的Socket与ServerSocket实现一个简单的服务端与客户端之间的通信,该通信模型为BIO模型
  • 在本项目中,服务端采用线程池维护一定数量的线程,用以保持与客户端间的通信。
  • 不使用SSL/TLS加密可查看此文章:使用Java进行Socket编程

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  • Keytool是Java数据证书的管理工具,该工具位于JDK的安装目录下。所有的数字证书采用alias(别名)进行区分,并存入到Keystore中,Keystore中的每个证书包含该条证书的私钥、公钥与对应的数字证书信息。
  • Keystore中的一个Key可以导出为数字证书文件,包括主题信息与对应公钥。
  • Trusted certificate entries为可信任的证书实体,一般只包含信任的公钥。
  • keypass是keystore中key的密码,该密码可以获取公私钥对
  • storepass是kestore的密码,该密码可以获得存储在keystore中的key

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  • A Fast and Accurate Unconstrained Face Detector




We propose a method to address challenges in unconstrained face detection, such as arbitrary pose variations and occlusions. First, a new image feature called Normalized Pixel Difference (NPD) is proposed. NPD feature is computed as the difference to sum ratio between two pixel values, inspired by the Weber Fraction in experimental psychology. The new feature is scale invariant, bounded, and is able to reconstruct the original image. Second, we propose a deep quadratic tree to learn the optimal subset of NPD features and their combinations, so that complex face manifolds can be partitioned by the learned rules. This way, only a single soft-cascade classifier is needed to handle unconstrained face detection. Furthermore, we show that the NPD features can be efficiently obtained from a look up table, and the detection template can be easily scaled, making the proposed face detector very fast. Experimental results on three public face datasets (FDDB, GENKI, and CMU-MIT) show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance in detecting unconstrained faces with arbitrary pose variations and occlusions in cluttered scenes.

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